Filing a Claim or Appeal for PTSD: The Elements of Service Connection

veteran meeting with a lawyer

As a veteran with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), getting the assistance you need can seem like an uphill battle. But the truth is, you are not alone. Many veterans deal with the after-effects of their military service long after their deployment. Fortunately, there is hope in obtaining treatment and compensation through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

What is PTSD?

PTSD is a mental health condition that can develop after someone experiences a traumatic event. Veterans often experience PTSD due to their military service, such as exposure to combat or witnessing an act of violence.

PTSD can manifest in various symptoms, including flashbacks, nightmares, hypervigilance, and avoidance behavior. It is important to note that everyone experiences PTSD differently, and some may not develop symptoms until years after the traumatic event.

PTSD is one of several mental health disorders Veterans may be dealing with. These include anxiety, depression, insomnia, and others.

How to Obtain VA Disability Benefits for PTSD

Veterans diagnosed with service-related PTSD may qualify for VA disability benefits. The first step is to apply for benefits. This can be done with the assistance of an accredited attorney representative. The VA will review your application and medical records to determine your eligibility. You must provide evidence of your PTSD diagnosis, such as psychiatrist or psychologist evaluations. You must then prove a causal connection between your current mental health diagnosis and an in-service event or events.

Once your eligibility for VA disability benefits has been established, you will be assigned a disability rating that will determine the amount of monthly compensation. PTSD is rated in increments of 10,30,50,70 and 100%. If you have disability ratings for more than one mental health condition, the VA will only award benefits based on the highest of the ratings you have been awarded. Having a skilled accredited attorney representative can help ensure you receive the proper rating for your PTSD or other mental health condition.

NOTE: Don’t forget about the secondary theory of service connection. If you can prove your mental health/PTSD condition is secondary to currently service-connected condition, you can be eligible for PTSD as a secondary connection.

Navigating the VA Claims Process

Navigating the VA claims process can be a daunting task. Veterans are required to provide extensive medical records and other evidence to support their claims. Working with a VA-accredited attorney or agent can simplify the process by ensuring all necessary documentation is presented in the correct format and on time.

Treatment for PTSD Through VA Programs

In addition to financial compensation, the VA offers a variety of treatment programs for veterans dealing with PTSD. These treatment programs can include therapy, medication, and support groups. The VA also provides specialized programs for veterans coping with MST (Military Sexual Trauma) related PTSD.

Lawyers Serving Georgia's Disabled

Managing PTSD related to military service can be a difficult and sometimes isolating experience. Veterans in this position can find hope in the support provided by the VA. From disability benefits to treatment programs, the VA offers many resources designed to help veterans manage their PTSD symptoms and live fulfilling lives

At Affleck & Gordon, our attorneys are passionate about helping veterans obtain the financial compensation they deserve to reach financial stability. Call us today at (404) 990-3945 to schedule a free consultation with one of our attorneys.

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